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Meet the Nest Team!

  • Mrs. Orme - Nursery Lead 
  • The Teaching Assistants who support in Nest are: Mrs. Crichton, Mrs. Drabble, Miss Kelly 
  • Nest Session Times: Arrival 8.45am Collection time 11.45am

Key Year Group Information

New Starters

We are looking forward to welcoming our new starters. You will receive an information pack at your stay and play session.


Throughout Foundation Stage at Duckmanton we use the online learning platform Dojo. On Dojo we will share information with you about your child's learning journey. It is important you check the class story for any updates. Dojo has a private messaging tool where you can contact your child's group leader if needed. Please can you ensure any urgent messages are passed through the school office, as we cannot guarantee Dojo will be checked during teaching time.


Please read to your child at home daily. Reading regularly with your child helps develop vocabulary, creativity, understanding of the world and most importantly a life long love of reading books.

Each Thursday we invite a Mystery Reader to come into class to surprise their child. It could be a parent, grandparent or even an older sibling! The children really enjoy hearing stories from other people, and the mystery readers really enjoy coming in to surprise the children!


Our P.E day in nursery is on a Friday. The children do not need any additional kit or clothing. 

Our PE curriculum aims to support all children's physical development and allows them to learn and build on fundamental movement skills. Our intention is for children to develop a love of physical activity to develop control, coordination, agility, strength and balance while having fun.  

Two-Year Progress Check

The two-year progress check is a compulsory assessment on entry into our two-year provision.

It is designed to help identify how children are developing in three key areas of learning. 

-Physical development

-Personal, social and emotional development 

-  Communication and language

The progress check will celebrate the child's strengths and highlight any area where the progress is below what is expected. 

Parents/carers will also be part of this process and will be given a written summary of their child's development.  This will also be shared with the Health Visitors.

What helps inform a progress check at 2?

The progress check is informed by:

  • The early years practitioners judgement
  • The voice of the child (Very young children including children with SEND may tell us what they are thinking and feeling through words, gestures, actions and body language)
  • The views of the child's parent/carer
  • The views of other professionals such as  GPs or health visitors. 

What happens after a progress check at age 2?

The child's summary will set out how parents and the early years practitioners will work together to help your child continuing development.

If your child is having any difficulties with their development or has Special Educational Needs and Disabilities, the child's summary will set out the additional help your child will receive.

Based on the progress check findings, staff will work with parents and other professionals. This can include speech and language therapists, physiotherapists and health visitors to give support to a child based on their identified needs. 

Accordion Title


Our Autumn learning enquiry- All about me and my family - Linked to History 

Our focus for Autumn Term is getting to know the children, and in turn them getting to know us.

In Autumn 1 we learn about feelings, and how we can express our feelings.

In Autumn 2 we learn more about celebrations - learning about how we celebrate and what we celebrate.

Some of the texts we will focus on:

  • Remixed
  • Brown Bear, Brown Bear
  • 1,2,3 What Can you see in Autumn
  • Bartholomew Bear
  • Festivals - Peppa Pig Diwali
  • I love you to the Moon and back
  • Roaring Rockets
  • Merry Whatmas
  • My First Christmas
  • Old Mikamba Had a Farm

Traditional and Untraditional Tales

The tales help children to enjoy listening to stories and this theme will allow them to begin to use their imagination.

The children will hear the stories through varied styles of learning, auditory, visual and kinesthetic. The children will have the opportunities to hear the story, look at the books, watch the story being told on the interactive whiteboard, use puppets and re-enact the story with props. Telling the story and learning new songs and rhymes improves speaking and listening skills.

Some of the texts we will focus on:

  •  Little Rabbit Foo Foo
  • That's Not My Goat!
  • Is it bedtime Wibbly Pig?
  • Cinderella - Ladybird First favourite Tales
  • Little Red
  • Eat Your Greens Goldilocks
  • We Catch the Bus
  • The Zoo Vet
  • Duck in the Truck
Summer Term

 The World Around Us - Understanding the World

This half term, we will become amazing animal experts! We will take part in a range of fun activities as we learn all about the World around us! 

Some of the texts we will focus on:

  • Old Mac Donald Had a Farm
  • Not a Stick
  • The Runaway Pea
  • Monkey Puzzle
  • Noisy Farm
  • Brilliant Boats
  • Flip Flap Minibeasts
  • The Teeny Weeny Tadpole
  • Ten Wiggly Caterpillar
  • Kippers Butterfly

Summer 1 Curriculum Map

Summer 2 Curriculum Map