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Year 3

Meet the Y3 team


Mrs Siddall           Miss Oxley


                                             Mrs Maclean                      Mrs Drake                Mr Barlow                    Mrs Ruddy

  • Year 3 are taught by Mrs Siddall and Miss Oxley
  • Mrs Siddall teaches on Monday, Tuesday (2:45 -3:15) Wednesday, Thursday and Fridays.
  • Miss Oxley teaches on a Tuesday until 2:45pm. 
  • This does change so please look out for one of us on the yard at the end of the day. 
  • Mrs Drake, Miss Oxley and Mrs Maclean support in class at different points throughout the week.​​​​​​

Key year group information


Our PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure kits are kept in school as these days may change. Kits will be sent home at the end of a half term. Pe will take place both inside and out so children will need bottoms and shorts. 


Homework is sent home on a Thursday and consists of a spelling/reading activity (spellings are not tested) and a Maths activity linked to the week's learning. Homework folders need to be returned by the following Thursday. 

What we will be learning in Year 3

Autumn Term

In the Autumn term our topics are 'Battle of the Ages' and 'Finding out about the UK'.  Take a look at our curriculum maps below which outline what we will be learning. During the Autumn term, we will visit Mount cook to support our History topic 'Battle of the Ages'. We will also take part in a Harvest Assembly, Christingle Service and hold our Halloween disco.

Curriculum map Au 1 & 2 attached

Spring Term

In the Spring  term, our topics are ‘Walk like an Egyptian and ‘Marvellous maps’. Take a look at the Curriculum Maps below to find out what our learning will look like in each subject. We will hold our Egyptian workshop, valentines disco, World book day and Easter market this term.

Curriculum map Sp1& 2 attached.

Summer Term

In the Summer term, our topics are ‘Welcome to the Empire and ‘Shake, rattle and roll’. Take a look at the Curriculum Maps below to find out what our learning will look like in each subject. In addition, we will hold our sports day, summer concert, class swap days for transition and our stay late game and movie night during this term.