Year 6
Meet the Year 6 Team
Mr Beeden Miss Hill
Mrs Griffiths Mrs Weatherall Miss Peachey Mr Barlow Mrs Middleton
Welcome to Year 6!
Year 6 are taught by Mr Beeden and Miss Hill. We are both in school every day but our responsibilities change depending on the day.
- Mr Beeden teaches on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday (am) and Friday.
- Miss Hill teaches on Tuesdays and Thursday mornings.
- This does sometimes change so always look out for one of us on the yard at the end of the day!
- Mrs Griffiths is in class every day and works both in class and teaching small groups.
Key Year Group Information
Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays. Please make sure kits are always in school. You can use our curriculum maps to find out what we are learning each term in PE.
English, Maths and Spelling homework is sent home in homework folders every Thursday and due in the following week. Year 6s are also encouraged to read at home and recorded in reading records.
Applying for Secondary School
The deadline for secondary school applications is always 31st October. You should look out for open evenings for local secondary schools on our school calendar and Dojo page. These are held in the summer of Y5 and early September. Once you and your child have chosen your preferred secondary school, you can apply for their place here: Apply for a Secondary School Place
Key Stage 2 Assessments (SATS)
Year 6 SATs
National assessments in Maths, Reading and SPAG are held in May every year. More information about the process and grading system on the National Curriculum Tests Information For Parents site. This year's dates are:
Day |
Date |
Paper |
Monday | 12th May 2025 | SPAG Paper 1 & SPAG Paper 2 (Spelling) |
Tuesday | 13th May 2025 | Reading Paper |
Wednesday | 14th May 2025 | Maths Paper 1 (Arithmetic) & Maths Paper 2 (Reasoning) |
Thursday | 15th May 2025 | Maths Paper 3 (Reasoning) |
Useful Links for learning at home:
BBC BitesizeLots of useful revision games and clips!
IXL MathsGives maths questions on lots of areas of our learning
Education QuizzesA site with both Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.
ICTeachersA site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes!
Oak National AcademyDesigned for remote learning but there are lots of step-by-step learning clips which are great for revision!
What we will be learning in Year 6
Autumn Term
In the Autumn, our topics are We'll Meet Again and Trade & Economics. Take a look at the Curriculum Maps below to find out what our learning will look like in each subject. We will also take part in a Harvest Assembly, Christingle Service and attend the Cenotaph at Staveley as part of our Remembrance service.
Spring Term
In the Spring, our topics are At the Heart of it All and Double, Double, Toil and Trouble. Take a look at the Curriculum Maps below to find out what our learning will look like in each subject. We will hold our SATs information evening this term as well as an Easter Market.
Summer Term
In the Spring, our topics are Greece is the Word and Chestefield Staycation. Take a look at the Curriculum Maps below to find out what our learning will look like in each subject. Our SATs take place this term as well as our London Residential, Summer KS2 show and secondary transition days!