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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5!

Year 5 are taught by Miss King and Miss Hill.

  • Miss King teaches on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (am)
  • Miss Hill teaches on Wednesdays and Friday afternoons.
  • Ms Parnham is in class every day and works both in class and teaching small groups. 

Key Year Group Information 


Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays. Please make sure kits are always in school. Kits will be sent home at the end of each half-term. Year 5 also have swimming lessons – currently lessons will start in January and end in May. You can use our curriculum maps to find out what we are learning each term in PE. 


English, Maths and Spelling homework is sent home in homework folders every Thursday and due in the following week. Year 5s are also encouraged to read at home and recorded in reading records.

What we will be learning in Year 5 

Autumn Term
Spring Term

Spring 2 Curriculum Map

Summer Term

Summer 1 Curriculum Map