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The School Day

Education at Duckmanton Primary School totals 32.5 hours per week for all children in full-time education.

The school gates open every day for drop-off at 8:45am and close at 8:55am. Any children who arrive after this time will be marked as late. The school day ends at 3:15pm

Nursery sessions are 8:45am - 11:45am and 12:15pm - 3:15pm

The school office is open from 8am - 5.30pm

Breakfast Club

Children have access to 2 morning breakfast clubs:

Early Birds Club

7.45 until 8.45am

This club is available for children in nursery (dependent on maturity) to Y6.

This club is charged at £2 per session, per child. Payment should be made in advance through ParentPay. The children receive breakfast and have access to a wide range of activities throughout the morning. This club takes place in the school community room.

Rise and Shine Club

8.20 until 8.45am

This club is free and available to children of statutory school age (Reception to Y6). Places are limited and children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties are prioritised. Parents can request a place for their child by emailing or speaking to school staff. 

The children receive breakfast and have access to a range of activities, including reading with teaching assistants. This club takes place in the school hall.

This club is kindly funded by Smurfit Westrock.

After-school Club

High 5 Club

Our High 5 club is available from 3.15 until 6pm, Monday to Friday for children in Nursery (N2) to Y6 (Not NEST)

We have 2 sessions:

session 1 - 3.15 until 5pm. £3

Session 2 - 5pm until 6pm. £2

The sessions must be booked through ParentPay, in advance.

The children will be offered a snack and have access to a range of fun activities. This club takes place in the school community room. Please read the attached policy for further terms and conditions.

Curriculum Plus

We offer a range of clubs before, during lunchtime and after school. The clubs are led by school staff or external providers. Most are free of charge and take place from 3.15 - 4.15pm for 6 weeks. The offer changes each half term. Please check the timetable below for the current clubs being offered.