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Meet the Reception Team 

  • Reception is taught by Mrs Pickering Monday - Thursday and Miss Baron on Friday's. 
  • Miss Parker supports our learning in Reception and helps us with our Phonics, Maths and Literacy sessions. 
  • Mrs Harris, Miss Passey and Miss Peachy support children throughout the week.

Key Year Group Information


Our PE day is a Thursday. Please ensure that your child comes to school on this day in their PE kit. Trainers are preferred as plimsols are tricky for the children to wear all day in our provision, especially outdoors. 


In our Summer term, children will receive Homework that relates to their theme learning in class. This is to aid our children's transition into Year 1. It will be sent home on a Tuesday and will need to be returned for the following Monday. 

What We Will be learning in Reception

In Reception the children complete a Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) on entry to their Reception year in school. This is a government requirement and all children will take part. 

In Reception we follow the Early Years Curriculum where we learn through exploring, playing, painting, drawing, building and getting outdoors! We have lots of opportunities through daily phonics, literacy and maths sessions too! We have a wonderful classroom and outdoor provision that supports our learning themes and curiosity. Some of our themes are Marvellous Me, Heroes & Villains, Emergency, Ready, Steady, Grow and Beastly Bugs! 

Summer 1 Curriculum Map

Summer 2 Curriculum Map